Saturday, July 24, 2010


Today is my parents' thirty-fourth wedding anniversary. My mother says that it passed "in the blink of an eye," and when I think that I was alive for twenty-nine of those years, I'd tend to agree. So much has changed, and so quickly--at least, in retrospect....

Whenever I have dreams of "home," it's always in my house, the home of my childhood. This past January, I bought this house from my parents, who moved into my great-aunt's house in 2007. But when I dream of this house, it's usually with the family of my childhood: my parents, brother, even former pets. To me, this signals that I have yet to reconcile my old life with the new; I have not yet recognized this house, and the act of buying it, as a sign of my new, adult life.

Instead, I work to build new memories while surrounded by old ones, to incorporate my new family with my old one. And I don't know yet what the end result will be.

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